BR Women

Women in Shipping Watch—Expert Thinking on the Gender Perspective in Leadership

For some, leadership is motivation, for others inspiration. Until recently, women were rarely seen in senior leadership positions as these positions have predominantly been held by men and men were therefore stereotyped to be more effective leaders. Research has examined whether or not there are sex differences in leadership; what it is evident, whatsoever, is that a lot of progress has been made on our professional lives over the last 50 years, bridging the gap between males and females.

Polishing Your Practice to Perfection

Blank Rome and the House of Harry Winston will together host an exclusive event for Los Angeles' top women in law on May 23, 2018, at the internationally renowned jeweler’s Beverly Hills salon.

Cheryl S. Chang will interview Stacy D. Phillips, both partners in Blank Rome’s Los Angeles office, on the topic of “Polishing Your Practice to Perfection." Stacy will reflect on her career spanning 30 years in family law and share tips about performing at the top of your professional game.

The Stepmom's Club: Tips, Tricks, Survival, and Celebration

Blank Rome LLP is pleased to host the book launch and signing of The Stepmoms’ Club: How to Be a Stepmom without Losing Your Money, Your Mind and Your Marriage, by Kendall Rose. 

The event, which will also feature special guest Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil Ph.D., a NYC love and relationship therapist and author of Make Up, Don’t Break Up and Adultery: The Forgivable Sin, will take place Wednesday, May 23, 2018, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Blank Rome’s New York City office.

An Interview with Shauna Johnson Clark: Partner, Parent and Pioneer

Blank Rome Associate Emery Richards recently interviewed “Partner, Parent and Pioneer” Shauna Johnson Clark in the “Pioneers In Houston Law” feature of the March/April 2018 edition of The Houston Lawyer (pp. 17-18).

In her interview, Emery asks Ms. Clark a range of personal and professional questions, seeking her insight and observations on various timely topics and life experiences, including her:

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