With the recent surge in coronavirus cases as well as the pause and reversal of business reopenings presenting employers with restart challenges, Blank Rome’s COVID-19 Task Force launched our third employer survey asking stakeholders about key workplace topics. We received responses from approximately 150 employers who shared perspectives on their approaches to new, complex workplace challenges and future business outlooks. The responses came from C-Suite executives, in-house attorneys, and human resources professionals from a diverse array of businesses across various industries and geographies.
Along with the survey results, our Labor & Employment attorneys compared the data to the results from our first two surveys conducted in March and April 2020 to perform a gap analysis and identify emerging trends in remote work and social distancing, changes to travel, COVID-19 in the workforce, employee complaints, and managing paid time off. They also provided key takeaways in:
- Liability waiver requirements
- New workplace safety protocols
- Contact tracing
- Health screening
- Business outlooks
We found the results to be enlightening, and we hope you do too.