Blank Rome State + Local Tax partner Mitchell A. Newmark will serve as a speaker at the Institute for Professionals in Taxation’s (“IPT”) 2023 Annual Conference, being held June 25 through 28, 2023, in Grapevine, Texas.
Mitchell’s session, “This Tonic will Solve Your Problems in M&A’s and Exemptions,” will take place on Monday, June 26, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., as one of the conference’s SALT Income Tax Concepts & Issues breakout sessions. He will be joined by co-presenter Andre B. Burvant, Partner at Jones Walker LLP.
Often overlooked in the wild, wild west of mergers and acquisitions are the sales tax issues that arise when a company spins off assets or business segments into another corporate entity. There can be an array of reasons for these internal reorganizations, including segregating assets for a future sale, creating separate business units to raise capital from third-party investors, or planning for a trendy new carbon capture and sequestration project. No matter the reasons for, or form of, the reorganization, the city slickers on the deal team need to be aware of those prickly sales tax issues lurking just around the bend. Will the restructuring transaction itself be a taxable sale? Will post-reorganization transactions between affiliated entities trigger sales tax liabilities? Will the new entity be eligible for the exemptions you have utilized in the past?
In this session, Mitchell and Andre will ride down the trails of internal reorganizations and help you corral those sales tax concerns so they don’t end being burrs under your saddle in the future.
For additional information and to register, please visit the event webpage.