Charitable contributions are often utilized in estate planning to assist a client not only in supporting his or her favorite charities but also to reduce tax liabilities both during life and at death. However, before clients agree to make any charitable contributions, they should understand that the agreements between themselves and charitable organizations, such as pledge agreements, can be binding.
Historically, New York courts have favored enforcing charitable pledges as a matter of public policy and in doing so, courts have relied on three common law contract law theories: (1) unilateral contract, (2) bilateral contract, and (3) promissory estoppel.
Courts have most frequently relied on the theory of unilateral contract to enforce charitable pledges. Under that theory, a charitable pledge or promise to make a future gift constitutes a unilateral offer, and “when accepted by the donee charity by the incurring of liability or detriment . . . [the offer] ripens into a binding contractual obligation of the donor and [is] enforceable against him.” There have been numerous cases in which a donor’s promise to make a charitable contribution has been enforced on this ground.
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