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For Young Couples, Money Woes Take a Heavy Toll


With money at the root of a lot of relationship stress, it's no surprise that a partner with credit issues can cause a significant strain and even a split.


Even among the rich and famous, debt takes a toll. "It's all relative," said Stacy Phillips, a partner and certified family-law specialist at the firm Blank Rome in Los Angeles. Phillips has represented a variety of high-net-worth clients, including celebrities like Britney Spears.

"There's a tendency, especially in America, to live beyond your means," Phillips said.


"People who look at finances differently can be a good balance but more often than not it can create a lot of problems," Phillips said.

"If your way of looking at life is so different – one person wants to stay in the Four Seasons and one person wants to go camping – it's going to be a problem," she added.

"For Young Couples, Money Woes Take a Heavy Toll," by Jessica Dickler was published in CNBC on September 15, 2018.