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A Family Lawyer Meets the Moment

Daily Journal’s The Weekly Brief with Howard Miller

Stacy D. Phillips

Blank Rome Matrimonial & Family Law Partner Stacy D. Phillips was interviewed on the Daily Journal’s The Weekly Brief with Howard Miller podcast, where she discusses the unprecedented family law practice challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Notably, she discusses the impact of the pandemic on families, notably on children, custody arrangements, domestic violence and restraining orders, and other childcare matters; the rise in divorce cases and matrimonial conflicts, notably regarding household incomes and costs as well as healthcare coverage; and navigating “virtual trials” via Zoom for legal proceedings and/or COVID-19 healthy and safety requirements for in-person courtroom proceedings.

Stacy also shares how she successfully brought her boutique law firm to a leading national firm such as Blank Rome, and integrated her family law practice into the Firm’s client services and offerings. Notably, she discusses the technology, cybersecurity, and data privacy benefits that she receives from the Firm for both her practice and clients, especially during this unprecedented time of working remotely during the pandemic. Stacy also discusses how she strategically collaborates with attorneys from across all the Firm’s practices to provide her clients with additional legal services and needs beyond family law, and continues to “virtually” cultivate strong relationships and maintain connections with her colleagues.

Lastly, Stacy shares how she collaborated with other leading women attorneys to launch FANG (Female Attorney Networking Group), which empowers women in the legal profession by providing a support system that extends beyond just networking opportunities, and highlights the importance of promoting diversity & inclusion and elevating women to positions of leadership across the legal industry and beyond.

Watch Stacy’s full podcast interview below:

Daily Journal · A Family Lawyer Meets the Moment