Blank Rome Partner Art Hankin provides an endorsement and contributes to Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Courtrooms to Corporate Counsels (ABA Publishing, 2018). Authored by Terri Morrison, this book is written specifically for legal professionals to help them develop the tangible intercultural skills that will support their successful legal practice.
Of the book, Art writes: “In this complex world with legal practices that span cultures and continents, the insight of Ms. Morrison’s work is invaluable to those of us who deal with people of different cultures and backgrounds, not just internationally, but within our own country. Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Courtrooms to Corporate Counsels is a must read.”
In Chapter 12, “Symbols: Religious and Political Taboo,” the author offers an overview of eight sensitive symbols and beliefs across cultures that can influence international business and legal scenarios. Opening the chapter, Art shares his story of a unique case he handled that involved special consideration of rabbinical law.
In this case, a Jewish family asked a synagogue to return the Torah of their late grandfather, which he brought with him to the United States after the holocaust of World War II. The rabbi refused, which led the family to contact Art, who filed a suit against the rabbi and the synagogue for replevin action (the return of property). The case came before a Philadelphia Common Pleas Court judge who suggested the unconventional solution of going to Rabbinical Court (a Beit Din) for resolution, where the family was ultimately awarded the Torah.
To purchase a copy of Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands: Courtrooms to Corporate Counsels, please click here.