Blank Rome partners R. Andrew Arculin and Scott D. Samlin and associate Paula M. Vigo Marqués will serve as panelists at the Online Lenders Alliance 2024 Legal Issues Conference, being held February 13 and 14, 2024, in Arlington, Virginia.
The Online Lenders Alliance 2024 Legal Issues Conference will cover the latest legal developments and feature expert speakers from industry-leading firms and multiple networking opportunities including an evening reception.
Legal Challenges for Online Lenders and Advertisers in a Rapidly Evolving Fair Lending Landscape
Wednesday, February 14 | 10:30–11:30 a.m.
Federal regulators continue to focus on the intersection between their efforts to combat discrimination in credit and “digital redlining practices” that may exclude or unfairly target protected borrowers and the use of innovative technologies and alternative data. This has led to a number of groundbreaking enforcement actions, regulatory initiatives, and guidance bulletins, but also challenges from market participants that have brought into question the scope of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act itself and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s ability to make new policy using its unfair, deceptive, or abusive acts or practices (“UDAAP”) authority.
This panel will provide an update on these developments and fair lending and anti-discrimination enforcement trends that affect online lenders, lead generators, and marketing partners. It will provide concrete strategies on how players in the space can attempt to mitigate fair lending and UDAAP risk as they continue to use innovative technologies to enhance their product offerings and customer experience. In doing so, this panel will discuss emerging areas of concern such as algorithmic bias, the use of UDAAP as a tool for regulators to combat discrimination, trends in advertising and marketing and fair lending, and recent state and federal regulatory commentary regarding fair lending.
CLE credit may be available.
Blank Rome is pleased to be a sponsor of the conference.
For more information and to register, please visit the conference webpage.