Blank Rome Partner Stacy D. Phillips will be moderating the Daily Journal’s virtual Happy Hour with Women Legal Pioneers on the topic of “COVID-19 and the Courthouse” on Thursday, May 14, 2020, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PDT.
This virtual Zoom event will feature a candid and informative discussion between current and retired top women judges and the President/CEO of Public Counsel, notably focusing on how they are coping with an indefinite recess as well as their outlooks for the future of courtrooms, mediation, and access to justice.
They will also share their outlooks on how the practice of law will change when in-person courtrooms and alternative forms of dispute resolution are back in session, identify the anticipated challenges such as managing a calendar, summoning jurors and empaneling juries amid physical distancing restrictions, and predict which tools and processes will be integrated into permanent fixtures of our legal system. Judge Morrow will share how Public Counsel is managing its operations and caseload with its own distinct challenges in delivering pro bono services to the most vulnerable in the community who are more isolated than ever during the lockdown. These insights will benefit all members of the bar who should expect to adjust to a new set of expectations as the legal profession enters the “new normal.”
Stacy D. Phillips, Partner, Blank Rome LLP
- Hon. Elizabeth R. Feffer, Judge, Los Angeles County Superior Court
- Hon. Melinda A. Johnson (Ret.), Neutral, JAMS; Former Judge, Ventura County Superior Court
- Hon. Nora M. Manella, Presiding Justice, California Second District Court of Appeal, Division 4
- Hon. Margaret M. Morrow (Ret.), President & CEO, Public Counsel; Former Federal District Judge, Central District of California
Zoom Conference Details:
Webinar ID: 982 7152 4879
Password: WomensConf
Please RSVP and send questions to the panel at