Blank Rome partner Seth D. Lamden will serve as a speaker for the American College of Coverage Counsel (“ACCC”) Pop-Up Dialogue, “Can Insurers’ Litigation Conduct Be Used to Prove Bad Faith?” being held January 19, 2023, as an online webinar.
Litigation immunity, sometimes referred to as litigation privilege, is a concept protecting parties from civil liability for conduct and communications made by the parties in the course of judicial proceedings. The terms “litigation privilege” and “litigation immunity” are frequently used interchangeably in case law but, technically speaking, litigation immunity applies in the context of judicially created immunity and litigation privilege applies in the context of statutorily created immunity. As of 2018, only six states codified the privilege by statute, while 42 states recognized immunity in case law. Courts around the country, however, are increasingly refusing to allow insurers the protections of litigation privilege or immunity to apply as an absolute privilege, finding ways to limit the protections even when recognized under state law. This webinar will present a discussion of these recent trends and how they may impact insured and insurer strategy in insurance coverage and bad faith litigation.
- Seth Lamden, Blank Rome LLP
- Michael Young, Reichardt Noce & Young LLC
To learn more, please visit the event webpage.