
Contracts Disputes Act: Claims Arising Out of a Change to the Contract

LexisNexis Practical Guidance®

This article will explore the claims process under the Contract Disputes Act, 41 U.S.C.S. 7101 et seq., and will provide practical guidance stemming from recent case law The Contract Dispute Act provides a set of procedures for negotiating and litigating government contract disputes.

The claims landscape for government contractors can be a minefield of both procedural and substantive issues. In this article, we will provide guidance to one type of claim common to government contractors: those arising out of a “change” to the contract.

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“Contracts Disputes Act: Claims Arising Out of a Change to the Contract,” by Stephanie M. Harden and David L. Bodner was published as a LexisNexis Practical Guidance® Practice Note in October 2022. Reprinted with permission.

This article was first published as a three-part series in Blank Rome’s Government Contracts Navigator blog.