Blank Rome Partners Helen K. Michael, Robert P. Jacobs, and Mary Craig Calkins will be presenters at the American Bar Association Litigation Section’s 2022 Insurance Coverage Litigation Committee CLE Seminar, being held March 2 through 5, 2022, in Tucson, Arizona.
This four-day seminar will feature presentations by leading lawyers and insurance professionals on the very latest developments in insurance law and will include cutting-edge and informative plenary, breakout, and roundtable programs; valuable networking events; and a variety of outdoor activities.
On Thursday, March 3, Helen will speak at the second Plenary Session, being held from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., “Coverage Decisions of 2021: Their Impact for 2022 and Beyond.”
This program will review the top ten (or so) coverage decisions of 2021 and consider the decisions’ implications for 2022 and beyond on policyholders and insurers. Attorneys from both sides of the coverage aisle will offer insight and debate the correctness, merits, and current and future impact of each decision
Rob will serve as moderator for the “Eyes Wide Open: Arbitrator Impartiality in the Wake of Halliburton v. Chubb” Breakout Session from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m.
Shortly after Thanksgiving 2020, the English Supreme Court issued the long-awaited decision in Halliburton v. Chubb, a decision that was meant to bring clarity to the issue of arbitrator disclosure obligations and the circumstances under which the question of arbitrator’s impartiality can justify an arbitrator’s removal from a panel. These same issues are present in U.S. arbitrations. This panel will involve practitioners and arbitrators in both the London and U.S. arbitration circuits, who will use the Halliburton decision as a foundation for discussing ethical issues surrounding arbitrations such as (i) whether “repeat business” creates bias; (ii) whether a party-appointed arbitrator can be truly neutral; (iii) disclosure obligations versus confidentiality obligations; and (iv) unique to close-knit London arbitration circuit, whether the “revolving door” of barristers and arbitrators sometimes appearing before each other, and then alternatively judging each other, creates a conflicts.
Earlier that day, Mary, the Section’s Revenue Officer, will introduce the Seminar’s first Plenary Session, “The Judges Panel: The New Normal as We Emerge from Behind the COVID Curtain,” taking place from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.
Views from the bench were never quite like this. How are courts dealing with the return to courtrooms, and what changes can we expect as we transition to our “New Normal”? This panel of esteemed judges (Hon. Pamela Gates, Arizona State Superior Court, Maricopa County, Phoenix, AZ; Hon. Sophia H. Hall, Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago, IL; and Hon. Daniel E. Ortiz, Court of Appeals of Virginia, Fairfax, VA) will address these issues, technology, and how we can help the courts help us.
Blank Rome is pleased to be a Silver Sponsor of this event.
To learn more or to register to attend, please visit the event webpage.