Blank Rome associate Karen H. Shin will serve as a presenter for the City Bar Justice Center’s Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project’s (“NELP”) “Cybersecurity: Protecting Yourself and Your Business” presentation, being held virtually on Wednesday, February 12, 2025, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. EST. The program is presented in partnership with Brooklyn Public Library Business & Career Center and Pace University Small Business Development Center.
Karen and other attorneys from the Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project will walk small business owners through the basics of why cybersecurity is important.
Topics will include:
- High-level cybersecurity and privacy obligations
- Steps to take to protect a business and its customers
- What to do in the case of a cybersecurity incident
A Q&A session will follow.
The City Bar Justice Center’s Neighborhood Entrepreneur Law Project provides free legal support to microentrepreneurs of limited economic means who seek to achieve financial stability through entrepreneurship. By providing free legal services to communities that have been traditionally disenfranchised, they help NELP clients achieve financial independence and break the cycle of poverty created by systemic inequality, while bringing jobs and services to the communities where they live and work. NELP’s volunteer attorneys provide assistance through legal presentations, legal clinics and direct pro bono representation. They assist entrepreneurs with issues such as entity formation, contracts and agreements, commercial lease reviews and negotiations, and intellectual property protections.
For more information or to register, please visit the event webpage.