Energy - Policy & Political Law


The evolving political environment at the federal, state,and local levels has a major impact on the energy industry. Along with our government affairs team, we are at the intersection of government and law, working with clients to develop focused, successful strategies to navigate the complex matrix of policy, legislation, and regulation.

We assist clients in the regulatory rulemaking process, grant applications, and direct advocacy for changes in regulations, permit delays, and policy decisions. We routinely appear before the U.S. Department of Energy, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), the U.S. Department of the Interior, and various state agencies and commissions across the United States, as well as before federal and state appeals courts, to challenge agency actions and rulings on our clients’ behalf.

Our team includes two former U.S. Senators, a former U.S. Secretary of Energy, and several high-level staff to congressional representatives, congressional committees, and executive branch agencies. As a result of our extended history working in government, we maintain close working relationships with key policymakers at the state and federal levels.

At the state level, we represent our clients’ interests in natural gas exploration and hydraulic fracturing, and the resolution of related regulatory issues. At the federal level, we have particular strength on issues surrounding renewable energy, offshore wind, and transportation (including LNG). We have represented major renewable energy firms, numerous transportation companies, and shale oil and gas exploration, production, and mid-stream companies.

How We Can Help

  • Congressional relations
  • Executive branch liaison
  • Public policy, legislation, and regulation
  • Federal funding strategies
  • Strategic communications
  • Relationships and coalition building
  • Oversight and investigations
  • Political action committee (“PAC”) formation and management
  • Regulation of political contributions
  • State-level lobbying


  • Monitored all Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia legislative action on bills that may impact oil and gas development within those states, with updates on same posted on fracking blog for an E&P company.
  • Served as counsel to a consortium of energy companies seeking specific provisions regarding energy regulation in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
  • Served as counsel to the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan in proceedings before the President’s Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future.
  • Served as counsel to the Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization (“SRSCRO”) in seeking amendments to the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 to authorize development and operation of an interim storage site for commercial spent nuclear fuel.
  • Helped secure federal funding for water treatments at a major manufacturing facility, enabling the company to expand its plant.
  • Assisted a major chemical company concerned with onerous regulations in the European Union with mitigating the impact of the regulations. We developed their successful strategy and connected the client with skilled local counsel.
  • Developed legislation enacted to study federal support for the development of a new system to transport volatile liquid chemicals such as benzene, toluene, and xylene, by a common carrier pipeline to enhance the safety and efficiency of handling chemicals and free up capacity for other items to be moved by other modes of transportation.

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